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Opalescent Funding

Home SBA FastTrack Loan

    Borrower Info

    Personal Info

    Marital Status?


    Business Entity

    General Business Info

    Business Address

    Business Details

    Is your business home based?

    Is this business or are any of the business affiliates involved in any pending litigation?

    Does the business have any outstanding tax liabilities?

    Is the business a franchise?

    Business Financials

    Has business ever filed for bankruptcy?

    Does the business have any outstanding judgment(s) or tax liens?

    Members/Officers (100% of ownership must be reflected)


    Borrower Background

    Have you ever filed bankruptcy?

    Are there any active lawsuits against you?

    Do you have any outstanding tax liens or judgments?

    Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

    SBA Questions

    Does the Small Business Applicant have any Affiliates (own other businesses)?

    Is the Small Business Applicant and/or its Affiliates presently involved in any pending legal action?

    Has your business received a PPP loan?

    Has the Business received an Employee Retention Credit (ERC)?

    Estimated Project Cost/Use Of Funds Breakdown


    Terms And Conditions
